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Intro to Astrophysics Set

A Study of God's Universe From A Biblical Perspective

Take homeschool high school science to the next level! Your 11th-12th grade level students can now study astrophysics from a biblical worldview using Master Books Intro to Astrophysics curriculum set. This course reveals the magnificence of our Creator by combining the study of astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology.


The study of the heavens is the science that the Bible most explicitly mentions. This advanced science curriculum is filled with Scriptures to reveal the biblical perspective of the sun, planets, galaxies, black holes, dark matter, gravity, and more. Each chapter includes a "Worldview: Through the Lens" section to help your student compare the creationist perspective and evolutionist theories on the topic of study. This helps the student to both form a Christian worldview and understand the perspective of evolutionists.

Captivating full color photos fill the course. Your entire family will want to explore them with your Astrophysics student.

Course Features

  • 1 Science Credit
  • Daily Schedule, Project Supply List, Answer Keys
  • Exercises, Projects, Worldview in Focus Days
  • Lessons, Quizzes, Cumulative Tests

Course Objectives

  • Understand the nature of astronomy and astrophysics, focusing on the history of the universe.
  • Discover details about our solar system, including the sun, the terrestrial planets, and the Jovian planets.
  • Formulate a foundational understanding of the nature of galaxies, black holes, and dark matter.
  • Contrast various theories based on evolutionary scientific perspectives with science based on biblical truth.
  • Develop a creationist perspective of the heavens, involving properties of stars, stellar structure, and more.

This set includes:

  • Student Text
  • Teacher Guide (includes the master supply list, suggested daily schedule, exercises, assessments, and answer keys)

Product CodeSC1082
PublisherMaster Books
  • Available as :

Order: SC1082