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Master's Class High School Chemistry Set

The Study of Matter From a Christian Worldview 

Recommended Prerequisite:  Algebra I

Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter. It is through an understanding of chemistry that the products that have benefited society were discovered, and technologies to sustain the environment were put in place. Knowledge of how matter changes will give us an insight into the origin of life, so we can realize that life could only have been formed by a supernatural act of creation, not by a process of change over time.

Dennis Englin’s Chemistry:

  • A thorough, practical, engaging lab-based curriculum that focuses on chemistry concepts and their applications.
  • Everything is strongly rooted in a biblical worldview -has God the Creator as its foundation.
  • Written by a professional scientist and science educator, this chemistry course effectively guides students through lessons and labs that are specifically designed for homeschool use.
  • In-depth enough to prepare future STEM majors for college but accessible for any student needing high school chemistry.
  • Based on the principle that those who can understand and apply information do much better than those who simply memorize material
  • Developed for and used by homeschool students for 30 years
  • Step-by-Step lab instructions with photos for each step.

Workflow: Students will read the pages in their book and then complete each section of the teacher guide. They should be encouraged to complete as many of the activities and projects as possible as well. Tests are given at regular intervals with space to record each grade.

This set includes:

  • Highly readable application-based textbook, with visually appealing layout
  • Teacher Guide includes all coursework, as well as schedule and supply lists for the labs.

This course has been taught by Dr. Englin for several years, with students going on to medical and graduate school. He wanted to develop a series of courses that would give students the tools to help them succeed in higher education.

AuthorDr. Dennis Englin
Product CodeSC1085
PublisherMaster Books
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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Order: SC1085