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IEW Modern World History-Based Writing Lessons Combo

The world is at your fingertips! This theme-based writing curriculum allows students to experience world history through cultural literature and the study of famous people and events while learning to write with the Structure and Style® writing method. Offering a full year of instruction for students in grades 6–8, these lessons cover all nine IEW Units. Vocabulary cards, literature suggestions, and access to helpful PDF downloads are also included. It is important to note that these lessons are not intended as a history curriculum replacement but rather their purpose is to broaden subject knowledge while students learn to write with structure and style.

The Student Book contains assignments, instructions, engaging source texts, blank outlines, checklists, sample compositions, and clever vocabulary cards. The  Teacher’s Manual contains answer keys, embedded images of student pages, teaching tips, vocabulary quizzes, student exemplars, simplified source texts, and advanced source texts for older students.

This combo includes the Teacher’s Manual and one Student Book.  Need extra student books? Click here.

Prerequisite: This course is designed to be used by an instructor/parent who has been through or is currently viewing the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style video course. If you are unfamiliar with this course, it is available in a DVD format or a Forever Streaming format.

AuthorLori Verstegen
Product CodeWR448
PublisherInstitute for Excellence in Writing
FormatSpiral-bound, Black and White
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Order: WR448