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Writing & Grammar 10 Subject Kit, 5th Ed

*This edition does not co-ordinate with the online / DVD lessons.*

Enhance your high school students’ abilities to communicate. The Writing & Grammar 10 course functions as the Year of the Essay focusing grammar skills and strategies in writing, speaking, and listening so students can write compelling essays grounded in a biblical worldview. Students will be able to apply effective writing, revising, and critical thinking strategies in interactive workshops; create informative, persuasive, and narrative texts; craft engaging presentations, and apply a biblical view of identity, logic, integrity, and judgment.

How BJU Teaches Writing & Grammar 10:

  • Insightful Introductions - Spontaneous writing assignments and student discussion reveal understanding of previous lesson content and focus attention on upcoming lessons. Exciting videos and team activities also pique student interest.
  • Varied instruction - Multiple forms of instruction enhance classroom instruction. Thought-provoking discussions, class presentations, thinking aloud activities and more, help students process, discuss, and present new information. Sample texts also challenge students to infer grammar and writing techniques from various examples.
  • Diligent Applications - Numerous practice sessions help students implement the concepts taught in each lesson. Students also have designated times to draft, revise, and present their own written work.
  • Consistent Assessment - Ungraded impromptu writing assignments and roundtable discussions help students demonstrate their comprehension of the lesson content. Exercises and reviews in the student worktext also enable students to apply grammar concepts and prepare for chapter tests.

This subject kit includes:

* Unless otherwise noted, kits may not have any partial returns or substitutions.

Product Code549824
PublisherBJU Press
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