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Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind: Blue Workbook Key

The Blue Workbook Key provides not only answers for the Blue Workbook, but also explanations for the parent/instructor, and guidance as to when the answers might be ambiguous (as, in English, they often are).

The Key, along with the accompanying Blue Workbook and the Core Instructor Text, make up Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind: a complete course that takes students from basic definitions (“A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea”) through advanced sentence structure and analysis—all the grammar skills needed to write and speak with eloquence and confidence.

Unless you need a second answer key, this is available as part of the Blue Student Pack (GM281).

AuthorSusan Wise Bauer
Product CodeGM278
PublisherWell-Trained Mind
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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Order: GM278

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