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Exploring Creation with Physical Science 4th Ed Student Notebook

The Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 4th Edition Student Notebook helps students learn the art of taking effective notes so they can better understand and retain what they are reading. Through the use of various note-taking prompts and questions, students discover how to identify the important information discussed in the textbook. The Student Notebook also serves as a place for students to record their answers to review and study guide questions and log data and observations while conducting experiments and other hands-on activities. Having all completed notes, lab reports, and study guides in one place helps students stay organized so they can more easily review what they have learned and study for tests.

The Student Notebook includes the following:

  • A suggested daily schedule
  • A breakdown of daily assignments detailing exactly what needs to be done each day
  • Note-taking pages that include prompts to help teach students how to identify and record important information from the text
  • Space to answer review and study guide questions that are listed in each module
  • Space for students to record their results from hands-on activities
  • A lab section that contains all of the experiments, with space to record data, results, and conclusions
  • Lab report templates
  • Creation Connection pages, where students can record their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual reactions to what they are learning

This notebook can be purchased individually or in the EC with Physical Science, 4th Ed Bundle.  (NOT compatible with the 3rd edition text)

Product CodeSC1101
FormatSpiral-bound, Softcover, Full Colour
  • Available as :

Order: SC1101