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A Reason for Handwriting K Beginning Manuscript

Kindergarten Beginning Manuscript is a completely new addition to the A Reason For Handwriting program. Recommended for Kindergarten / K5 classes, it introduces students to proper letter formation.

The brightly-illustrated book features animals and God's creation.  The Beginning Manuscript worktext begins with 2 weeks reviewing the strokes used in letter formation. This section is followed by 33 weekly lessons — 13 focusing on lower case letters, 13 for upper case, and seven lessons reviewing all of the letters. Each day's lesson can be completed in only 10-15 minutes. For additional review, each lesson includes an optional practice page. At the end of each week, students trace words or letters in a Scripture verse, then decorate one of the exclusive Border Sheets. 

Please note: this all-new worktext DOES NOT align with the Comprehensive Teacher Guidebook. A free PDF teacher guide is available for download.

Product CodePW212
Length220 pages
PublisherA Reason For
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Order: PW212