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Horizons Multi-Media Set plus Horizons Preschool Curriculum Set

Give your preschooler a love for God and the world around him with Horizons Complete Curriculum and Multimedia Set. Based upon the Bible, this complete preschool curriculum contains 180 engaging lessons that help your child discover and learn social studies, language arts, math, phonics, and science from the viewpoint of the Creator. Arts and crafts, music, story times, outdoor excursions, and other exciting learning activities enhance each lesson's objectives and theme. And concepts are reinforced through games, songs, poems, and drama to prepare your preschooler for kindergarten in a Christian environment. What's more, easy-to-follow, comprehensive teacher guides adapt to your homeschool schedule with flexible, clearly outlined daily lesson plans that make teaching your child fun.

But that's not all! The Horizons Complete Curriculum and Multimedia Set from Alpha Omega Publications also includes a multimedia set with an extensive list of music CDs, CD-ROMs, and videos that perfectly integrate into each day's learning activities. What does this mean for you? Everything you need for your preschooler's early childhood education is right at your finger tips!

Product CodePS083
PublisherAlpha Omega
  • Available as :

Order: PS083

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