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God Created the Insects of the World (Sticker and Colouring Book)

Part of a series of coloring sticker books designed to heighten children’s awareness of the truth of God’s Creation, these books teach children about the world God has made. Not only will kids learn about the world around them, but they will see how it reflects God’s plan. They’ll also have fun doing so as they color and use the stickers!

God Created the Insects of the World covers the biblical Creation story in relation to bugs, as well as facts about insects in general and information on why they can be so different from each other. The book also specifically focuses on how insects prove Creation and disprove evolution. In addition, kids will learn about the unique purposes that bugs serve and hands-on ways they can learn more about insects.

  • Teaches about insects in an age-appropriate, biblically-sound manner
  • Contains 32 full-color stickers that match the drawings and can be used as a color guide
  • Remains fun and informative even after all the pictures are colored

Product CodeSC259
Length32 pages
PublisherMaster Books
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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Order: SC259