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Biology Dissection Kit (Grades 7, 10)

The biology dissection kit contains all the specimens and instruments needed to perform the dissection activities detailed in the 4th edition Biology curriculum.

Includes an earthworm, a crayfish, a perch, a rat, and a grass frog preserved in an odorless and nontoxic form and vacuum-packed moist in a plastic bag. Once the bag is opened, the specimens can be stored safely and indefinitely in sealed plastic bags without additional preservative.
Also includes seven dissecting tools in a vinyl case, a magnifying glass, an econopan, a packet of tissues, self-sealing storage bags, dissection pins, and towelettes.
The instructions for the dissections are included in the Biology Lab Manual and the Biology Lab Manual Teacher Edition.

Product Code276576
PublisherBJU Press
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Order: 276576