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Saxon Math K Homeschool Kit

Not sure where to start? Take the placement Test

Saxon's primary mathematics programs have been carefully planned and packaged. Each Homeschool kit comes with all the necessary materials required for one-on-one instructions. Saxon Math K teaches your child to:

  • count orally
  • recognize and sequence numbers
  • act out addition and subtraction stories
  • count wiht one-to-one correspondence
  • indentify and count pennies, nickels, and dimes
  • identify shapes
  • sort and pattern
  • graph real objects and pictures
  • measure using nonstandard units
  • tell time to the hour
  • use a calendar

This Complete Kit includes the spiral-bound Teacher's Manual and the student Meeting Book.

The teacher's manual contains daily lessons which include preclass preparation instructions, a list of materials, and the entire scripted leson. Scripted lessons provide you with language and questioning strategies designed to help your child understand the mathematical concepts taught. Includes master sheets for lesson activities and handwriting practice.

The meeting book is used to practice skills related to time, temperature, money, counting, patterning, and problem solving.

IMPORTANT: Manipulatives are required to teach Saxon Math K. The Manipulative Kit is a separate purchase and covers all four primary math programs (K-3). Math K-3 Manipulative Kit

Product CodeMR083
FormatSpiral Bound Teachers Manual, Softcover Meeting Book
  • Available as :

Order: MR083

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