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Reading 1 BookLinks: Once in Blueberry Dell Set (teachingguide and novel)

Blueberry Dell BookLink (for use with grade 1 Reading) includes a copy of the novel, Once in Blueberry Dell, a pocket folder with complete instructions about making a puppet stage, game board, a coach race, mint tea and cherry cake, a printing press, and a senses activity. A teacher's guide with carefully planned lessons and reproducibles are included. The delightful story begins with the residents of Blueberry Dell in a flurry to prepare Clover Hall for a visit from the Prince. Compassionate Happy Mole wants to take time to help a humble traveler, the more "proper" residents scold him; then they send him and the traveler away. Although the town is ready for the Prince when he arrives—with a feast and decorations and a specially built brass bed—they are shocked to discover what the Prince considers "the best of Blueberry Dell."

This BookLink focuses on scriptural applications, developing higher-order thinking skills, fosters an enjoyment of reading, integrates reading with other subject areas and provides appealing enrichment experiences.

Product Code233999
PublisherBJU Press
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Order: 233999