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Vivaldi's Ring of Mystery CD and Teacher's Notes

Classical Kids CDs are available in a bundle with corresponding Teacher's Notes and are ready for use in any teaching environment based on a teacher's own talents, interests or areas of study. Designed for the music specialist, generalist teacher or homeschooler, the Classical Kids combination provides all the tools necessary to build an exciting environment for learning.

Each volume of 36-55 pages moves children from passive listeners to active participants in the creative arts, enhancing literacy, critical thinking skills and building a strong platform for learning within all subject areas.

Classical Kids Teacher's Notes include more than 100 facts, activities and thought-provoking questions to move beyond music into an integrated curriculum of social studies, creative writing, math, sciences and the other arts.

Classical Kids recordings have been used in classes from K-8, but are most suitable for Grades K-6. In each edition of our Teacher's Notes, activities are ranked according to recommended grade level and the corresponding standard as outlined in the U.S. National Standards for Arts Education guidelines.

Product CodeMM034
Length36 pages
PublisherClassical Kids
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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Order: MM034

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