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Winston Grammar Advanced Level Program

We liked this program because it is multi-sensory. That is no small achievement when it comes to grammar. The Advanced Winston Grammar Program picks up where the Basic Program leaves off. After several worksheets of review, the topics covered are: possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns and nouns, reflexives, interrogative pronouns, present and past participles, correlative conjunctions, infinitives, gerunds, relative pronouns, compound and complex sentences, and embedded noun clauses.

There is a pre-test for placement if the student has previously studied all the basic grammar concepts. This program has 55 Worksheets, four quizzes interspersed throughout the program and a post-test.

A Teacher's Manual, Student Workbook, and a set of color-coded cards are packaged in a velcro-closed vinyl storage case.

Product CodeGM051
GradeGr 6+
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Order: GM051