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Escucha y Hablemos! - Book 1

This spanish program is very similar to the French program Ecoutes Parlez! also written by Kathleen Newton. It's purpose is to cover many practical speaking skills. It can be started with any child that can read. Oral exercises are done with a CD along with bright and colourful images on every page if the accompanying book.

Escucha y Hablemos! enables the student to perfect pronunciation, and also provides a fun way to learn vocabulary, verbs and phrases. It is best to start with Book 1. A colourful book with an audio CD provide a gentle introduction to Spanish.

This first book covers: greetings, fruit, family, animals, and school.

AuthorKatleen Newton
Product CodeLR137
PublisherKaleeka Press
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour, with Audio CD
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Order: LR137

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