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Exploring Creation with Marine Biology 2nd Ed. Book Set

God’s oceans are an amazing ecosystem full of fascinating, even bizarre creatures with cool abilities that are extremely intriguing. Sherri Seligson’s own excitement about the world of marine biology is contagious and draws students into that underwater realm to explore with her.

This is one of the few homeschool science courses that includes an entire education on ecology. The creator-God designed the earth’s astonishing ecosystem for his glory and the needs of his creatures, and it is a crucially important science for Christians in our day to understand accurately.


Apologia is known for texts that are very accessible—conversational and easy to absorb—even when the matter being discussed is very complex in nature. This text by Sherri Seligson is a prime example of that. It is clear that she is at once an extremely knowledgeable scientist and someone who has homeschooled her own children and knows how to teach and communicate with them well.

Solutions and Test Manual

The softcover solutions-and-tests manual contains tests, test solutions, and answers to the module study guides.

AuthorSherri Seligson
Product CodeSC189
FormatHardcover, Full Colour
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Order: SC189