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On Wings of Cheer - #5 Living Forest Series

A red-winged blackbird shares his happy heart! On Wings of Cheer takes the reader again to the sanctuary in the north woods of Wisconsin. As the story opens, the country is under the enchantment of fall haze and dazzlingly brilliant foliage. It's unseasonably warm and the purple finches, robins and sparrows are singing like it's spring instead of fall. Here we catch our first glimpse of clever Cheer, the remarkable friendly red-winged blackbird, who has delayed his migratory flight to enjoy Sanctuary hospitality. Follow the Campbells' many exciting adventures through a full year, from the excitement of Old Charley (a five hundred pound too friendly bear), to a grand Christmas in the woods and trouble crossing broken ice the following spring.

AuthorSam Campbell
Product CodeLB268
Ages12 & Up
PublisherAB Publishing
FormatSoftcover, Black & White
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