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Heart and Mind: What the Bible Says About Learning

This book focuses on what the Bible says about the heart of man. By restoring our understanding of the role of the heart, Dr Beechick is reminding parents that we are not only educating but truly training up the child in the way he or she should go - in the image of God.

Ruth teaches us from the Bible that the heart knows, considers, speaks, remembers, deceives, and meditates. Modernists usually credit these functions to the brain. This book also reports physiological research to show the Bible is correct in it's teaching of the heart. Also included is a chart in the appendix which summarizes nearly 1000 Bible references to heart by meaning.

Teaching and learning are more effective when people are viewed with heart, with the image of God within them. All other learning theories view man as simply a body. The body learns by seeing, hearing, and sensing in other ways, but there is no heart within to act upon these stimuli. The book contains a clear explanation of these secular theories and compares them with the Bible view of learning.

AuthorRuth Beechick
Product CodeHS105
Length183 pages
PublisherMott Media
FormatSoftcover, Black & White
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