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Easy Grammar: Grade 6 Teacher Edition

This reproducible text begins with 53 prepositions that form a basis for simplifying learning through the prepositional approach. Grammar concepts include a broader scope with an emphasis on grammar concepts plus capitalization and punctuation at a higher level, all geared toward mastery learning. Chapter reviews, cumulative reviews, and cumulative tests align with new brain research findings that reflect the importance of connecting new learning to previous learning for greater student understanding. 'To the Teacher' pages offer directives as well as many strategies for effective teaching and learning. This text also includes a writing component for teaching appositives, sentences using semi-colons, compound sentences, subordinate clauses, and introductory participial phrases. Although worksheets, a pre-assessment, a post-assessment, and all tests are included within the teacher edition, we do offer individual student workbooks and student test booklets. This reproducible text is a revised version of Easy Grammar: Grades 5/6.

AuthorWanda C. Phillips
Product CodeGM072
PublisherEasy Grammar Systems
FormatSoftcover, Black & White, Reproducible for student use.
GradeGrade 6
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Order: GM072

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