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Galen and the Gateway to Medicine

We know about Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine. But we owe nearly as much to Galen, a physician born in 129 A.D. at the height of the Roman Empire. Galen's acute diagnoses of patients, botanical wisdom, and studies of physiology were recorded in numerous books, handed down through the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Not least, Galen passed on the medical tradition of respect for life. In this fascinating biography for young people, Jeanne Bendick brings Galen's Roman world to life with the clarity, humor, and outstanding content we enjoyed in Archimedes and the Door to Science. An excellent addition to the home, school and to libraries. Illustrated by the Author.

AuthorJeanne Bendick
Product CodeLB708
Ages10 up
Length124 pages
PublisherBethlehem Books
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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