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Junior High - Book 1: The Elements of Art and Composition

This book provides students with an in-depth look at the elements of art and composition in a simply written text designed to engage students in the creative process as they produce original artworks. The organized content and conversational tone is perfectly suited to the age level and is equally engaging for both the novice and the more experienced art student. The middle school student can begin this book without prior knowledge of art and work independently without the need for parental instruction. The unique feature of the book is the way students learn from its pages, then choose a subject from their own environment, and easily apply the new information to their own art. Students think creatively as they are introduced to topics such as line, shape, value, symmetry, perspective, and proportion. Each unit is crafted for focus on one element of art while exploring the topic in four unique ways.

Students explore their world in an engaging study designed to strengthen observation skills. In the art appreciation and history lesson, students learn how each element is used in a Master artwork. They gain insight about the artist, how the goals of a culture affect the look of the artwork, and discover contrasts between Eastern and Western art. Instruction in graded pencil drawing and ink utilizes the knowledge gained through the study of art from countries around the world including Japan, China, Europe, India, Australia and more. Technique and application pages allow skills to develop naturally as students work independently. Four special assignments show how artists combine elements of art and broaden the student’s experiences with art materials. The book provides lessons for the completion of sixty-eight finished drawings in pencil and ink that are both original and entirely the student’s own.

AuthorBrenda Ellis
Product CodeAR088
Ages11 up
Length92 pages
PublisherARTistic Pursuits
FormatNon-consumable,Spiral-bound, Full Colour
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