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Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? 7th Edition

To improve the student's learning experience, also purchase the student study guide for Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? titled A Bluestocking Guide: Economics.

In Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Richard Maybury uses stories and examples (including historical events from Ancient Rome) to explain economic principles, giving interesting and clear explanations of topics that are generally thought to be too difficult for anyone but experts. 

This clearly written book about economics is a remarkably easy and fun explanation of money(its origin and history), the dollar (its origins and history), investment cycles, velocity, business cycles, recessions, inflation, the demand for money, government (its economic behaviour), and more.

Essential for every student, businessperson and investor. Can be used for courses in Economics, Business, Finance, Government and Ancient Rome. 

AuthorRichard J. Maybury
Product CodeER026
Length168 pages
PublisherBluestocking Press
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