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Political Philosophies - A Bluestocking Guide

"Bluestocking Guide: Political Philosophies" is designed to reinforce and enhance a student's understanding of the subject matter presented in the primer, "Are You Liberal? Conservative? or Confused?"

Comprehension Questions are given for each chapter.  These include Definition, True/False, and Short Answer/Fill-in questions. The answers are located in the back of the study guide.

Application Exercises are also given. Generally, these ask the student to apply the knowledge he/she learned from a given chapter to "real world" situations so that the student may personalize the information and better retain and apply the knowledge gained from the primer. Application Exercises include Discussion, Essay or Research assignments. Suggestions for further reading are also provided. In addition to assisting the student in the retention of the subject matter, the study guide will serve as documentation of course completion. A final exam is included and answers are located in the back of the study guide.

This guide is consumable, not reproducible.

Highly recommended for courses in government and politics.

Product CodeER033
Length64 pages
PublisherBluestocking Press
GradeGr 8+
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Order: ER033

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