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Whatever Happened to Justice?, revised edition

Whatever Happended to Justice? explains the Legal Model and explores America's legal heritage. This book is selling all over the world. Readers tell us it causes them to think like nothing has in years. This book shows what's gone wrong with our legal system and economy and how to fix it. It also contains lots of helpful hints for improving family relationships and for making families and classrooms run more smoothly. Discusses the difference between higher law and man-made law, and the connection between rational law and economic prosperity.

Whatever Happened to Justice? introduces the Two Laws for a civilization to develop and advance:

  1. Do all you have agreed to do, and
  2. Do not encroach on other persons or their property.

Richard Maybury examines:

  1. 1) There is a higher law than any government's law.
  2. 2) The government's law often contradicts Higher Law.
  3. 3) individuals must choose which law they will support and defend.

To improve the student's learning experience, also purchase the student study guide for "Whatever Happened to Justice?" titled A Bluestocking Guide: Justice.

Can be used for courses in Law, Economics, Business, Finance, Government and History.

AuthorRichard J. Maybury
Product CodeER039
Length256 pages
PublisherBluestocking Press
GradeGrade 9 and up
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Order: ER039

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