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Horizons Penmanship Gr. 3 Set

Good handwriting is needed in every area of life. Make sure your child's handwriting is something to be admired with the Horizons 3rd Grade Penmanship Set from Alpha Omega Publications. This Bible-based penmanship curriculum uses a unique approach to reinforce manuscript and Zaner-Bloser® cursive writing. Each week your child will practice writing words, sentences, and quotes about Noah, Joseph, The Tower of Babel, or about Abraham and Isaac on 3/8" lines in a colorful student workbook. A weekly vocabulary word list is also taken from Scripture passages. In addition, a specially designed practice page allows your child to share his beautiful scripted writing of God's Word with homeschooling friends and family.

The Horizons 3rd Grade Penmanship Set also contains a complete teacher's guide with reproducible practice pages and daily lesson plans that include practical teaching tips, activities, and illustrations.

Product CodePW082
PublisherAlpha Omega
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Order: PW082