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Horizons Health Gr 4 Student Text

Searching for student reading material that will enrich your fourth grader's Horizons Health lessons? Look no further. Alpha Omega Publications has the perfect answer—the Horizons 4th Grade Health Student Book.

This colorful, illustrated softbound student book is packed with complementary reading material that reinforces health topics presented in the Horizons 4th Grade Health Teacher's Guide and Student Workbook. Created to help your student understand lessons, this student book includes full-color illustrations and photographs, poems, additional readings, and background information on each health topic covered. And, to build reasoning and comprehension skills, this student book includes review questions!

Also like the other components of the Horizons 4th Grade Health curriculum, this student book is designed to be taught two to three days per week, making this health program flexible enough to fit your schedule. Plus, all reading sections are presented from a Christian perspective.

Informative health topics include:

  • living in the community,
  • eating healthy food,
  • learning how the body works,
  • understanding nutrients,
  • and making wise choices!

Product CodeER098
Length96 pages
PublisherAlpha Omega
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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Order: ER098

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