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Horizons Health Gr 5 Student Text

Want to enrich your fifth grader's study of Horizons Health? If so, Alpha Omega Publications has exactly what you need, it's the Horizons 5th Grade Health Student Book. This full-color, fun-to-read softbound student book offers in-depth complementary reading material that reinforces health topics presented in the Horizons 5th Grade Health Teacher's Guide and Student Workbook. Your student will love this informative, easy-to-follow student book which includes full-color illustrations and photographs, poems, additional readings, and background information on each health topic covered. Just what you wanted, right?

Health topics include taking care of the lungs, connecting with personal emotions and other people, growing up and changing, and fitness. The review questions will develop your student's reasoning skills. And, just like the other components of the Horizons 5th Grade Health curriculum, this Christian-based student book is designed to be taught two to three days per week and is flexible enough to fit your busy schedule.

Product CodeER103
Length72 pages
PublisherAlpha Omega
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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Order: ER103

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