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Mathematical Reasoning Beginning 2

This book is a complete curriculum for children of age 4. This colorful, 288-page book uses engaging activities and easy-to-follow explanations and examples to teach the concepts of counting, adding, and subtracting using the numbers 0 – 15. It also teaches geometric shapes, colors, sequencing, classification, and visual tracking. It is both a textbook and workbook that teaches all of the math skills children are expected to know entering kindergarten—and several concepts normally taught in kindergarten and first grade.

The activities spiral slowly, allowing students to become comfortable with concepts, but also challenging them to continue building their problem-solving skills.  This book teaches more than mathematical concepts; it teaches mathematical reasoning, so students learn to devise different strategies to solve problems. 

Product CodePS107
Length288 pages
PublisherCritical Thinking Press
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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