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No French? No Problem! Full Course PDF Download

This is a downloadable interactive PDF. This means that students will be able to work right from their computer and type the answers in the PDF. Also NO MORE CD since the audio files are linked into the PDF. The student can listen as much as they need to the new vocabulary, right from their device.

“No French? No Problem!” is a fast track to learning French up to a grade 8 level.  If you have a student coming in who has had no previous French or is weak compared to his grade level, walk him through this customized curriculum until he reaches his appropriate grade level.  With the embedded audio files, the students will be able to independently work at their own speed. There are 12 units which build on each other.  Each unit will add new vocabulary, grammar concepts and tense practice while repeating and reviewing previous lessons. Tests and Answer Key is supplied in the Teacher’s Edition.

COPYRIGHT ALERT: “No French? No Problem!” interactive PDFs are intended for use for ONE institution or family. Please do not share beyond this. The publisher values the integrity of their customers so that they can keep their products as accessible and affordable to all.

AuthorDebbie Hawkins
Product CodeLR174EBK
PublisherMFB Publications
FormatInteractive pdf download
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Order: LR174EBK

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