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Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology Notebooking Journal

Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology Notebooking Journal is uniquely designed to correspond with every assignment and activity in the course book. This Notebooking Journal serves as each student's individual notebook, providing a place for each student to complete every assignment from the textbook, including the notebook activities, the Personal Person Project, experiments and much, much more.

Each notebooking journal contains a suggested schedule for completing the readings, notebook assignments, activities and experiments utilizing a two-day per week plan.

These Notebooking Journals are a perfect compliment to the Exploring Creation series, serving to increase each student's retention of the material they encounter throughout the course and providing an economical means for your child to create a beautiful keepsake of their learning. Recommended for use with students who have mastered handwriting, can take notes, and enjoy upper elementary level activities.

AuthorJeannie Fulbright
Product CodeSC448
Length263 pages
FormatSpiral-bound, Black and White
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