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How's Inky? - #1 Living Forest Series

"Inky the porcupine-I hardly know wether to bless him or curse him!" the author writes. "Whichever I do, he won't care a flick of his tail! He is so exasperatingly self-sufficient, so wholly complacent, he will just waddle away, climb a tree, and look down at me, saying in his most gracious grunts: "You take things too seriously, Sammy, old boy. Relax! Come on up and eat some bark!"

Join Sam and his peculiar pet for a grand mixture of troubles and pleasures. You'll discover why it takes a lot of quill power to put down How's Inky?

AuthorSam Campbell
Product CodeLB264
Ages8 & Up
PublisherAB Publishing
FormatSoftcover, Black & White
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