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Ancient Civilizations and the Bible - Tests Kit

The Test Kit allows an objective evaluation of material learned in the INTRODUCTORY materials — the CDs and article — of Phase 1 of each Unit. This product offers a two-page test for each Unit in the front section, and suggested answers to each question in the rear section, all bound in a booklet. Do not consider it necessary unless your state, or your school, needs a portfolio of this type of evaluation. Alternatively, there is a very helpful section in the ACB TEACHER GUIDE describing how to fairly assess the variety of activities your students might engage throughout the Phases of the ACB book. This Test Booklet is not referenced in various Units of the book; it is available as a helpful extra.

AuthorDiana Waring
Product CodeHR361
Length37 pages
PublisherDiana Waring--History Alive!
FormatTest Packet
Grade6 up
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Order: HR361