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Learn Math Fast System - Volume IV (Second Edition)

Volume IV includes 21 lessons and worksheets, 5 chapter review tests, and a final test. 

Students will gain knowledge in basic geometric concepts including:

  • the difference between straight, parallel and perpendicular lines.
  • how to identify obtuse, acute, opposite and right angles.
  • the properties of right, equilateral and isosceles triangles are studied
  • the difference between several quadrilaterals and the properties they contain
  • how to find the area of a triangle, a square and all other polygons.
  • Pi, radius and diameter are used to find the circumference and area of a circle.
  • The Pythagorean Theorem
  • Perimeter of a shape, and volume of a rectangular prism and sphere, and
  • students will gain knowledge of the Metric System.

An older student can complete this book in about a month.  Younger students will take two to six months to complete.  The older you are, the faster you'll learn. Take the placement test if you would like to know for sure where to start your student.

When you receive your book, there is a password to access a page on the Learn Math Fast website that contains printable pdf versions of every worksheet in the book. 

A couple optional items are highly recommended to use with this program.  Click the links below to add to your order:

  • "Big, Big Bookmark" - contains hints to all the most easily forgotten math concepts from Vol 1-4.
  • Geometry Kit  - full of manipulatives to help students visualize geometric shapes and tricks.

Product CodeMR626
Length148 pages
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
GradeElementary Geometry
  • Available as :

Order: MR626