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Teddy's Button - Lamplighter Theatre

"There were guns flashing, shells flying, and swords flashing hacking away!" clamors Teddy as he vividly recounts the courage and bravery of his father's final heroic deed. "I don't believe a word of that story!" proclaims Nancy, the new girl in town. Instantly, therivalry between a soldier's son and sailor's daughter sets in, and Teddy is bent on besting his new enemy. but, when Teddy is driven to his breaking point, he will learn of a new battle, a new enemy, and ultimately, a new Captain whose orders are to fight all battles with the banner of love!

Lamplighter Theatre is delighted to bring you one of our most treasured stories of all time and an instant classic in the Lamplighter Collection: Teddy's Button. Join Teddy as he enlists in the Lord's army, joins the fight against the greatest enemy he will ever face, and learns to bear the banner of Love with honor and courage.

AuthorAmy Le Feuve
Product CodeAB339
Length2 hours
PublisherLamplighter Publishing
FormatAudio CDs
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Order: AB339