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Bible Truths Level F Student Worktext (3rd Ed.)

*This edition does not co-ordinate with the online / DVD lessons.*

Bible Truths F Student Text (3rd ed.) (3rd ed.) opens with a God-centered account of the Creation, Fall, and Redemption of our world. It then applies this understanding to issues faced by contemporary teens. Moral decision-making, dating, choosing a college, developing relationships, studying the Bible, gender roles, politics, technology, depression, evangelism—the book is relative to where teens are right now.

Bible Integration is key to Christian teaching of the academic disciplines, and BJU Press textbooks have introductions which show how a Christian worldview applies to the given discipline. But in no other book does BJU Press spend so much time building up a Christian worldview directly from Scripture.

Product Code514059
Length208 pages
PublisherBJU Press
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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