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Smart Kids Who Hate to Write!

Does your child seem lazy, sloppy, and unmotivated?  He or she could be suffering from a writing glitch called Dysgraphia, which is easily corrected.  Some children have to use so much energy for the writing process that they are reluctant to put pencil to paper for anything!

Not all children who have a writing block or dysgraphia also have visual/spatial problems, but they often overlap.  This is the most common learning block that gifted children have.  Many times it isn't even identified until a child is a teenager and not turning in written work!  You will even find out if your child is hard wired to be right handed or left handed.

In this DVD you will learn how to identify a child with a writing glitch, dysgraphia, visual/spatial problems, and, more importantly, how to eliminate those problems using a proven method.  This exercise was originally developed to improve eye/hand coordination and ball handling ability in sports.  Coaches said these students just "knew where they were in the field after doing this exercise."

AuthorDianne Craft
Product CodeLD083
PublisherDianne Craft
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Order: LD083

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