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Saxon Algebra 1 (4th Ed) Home School Kit

Not sure what level of Math to do? Take the Placement Test

Please note: The 4th Edition of Algebra 1 does not contain all the incorporated geometry content of the 3rd edition. This course is intended to be used before the Saxon Geometry course.

Saxon would still recommend using the Algebra 1 (third edition) and Algebra 2 (3rd edition) and the Advanced Math 2nd Edition as the preferred path for homeschool students. However, if using the 4th edition series the proper sequence of courses would be: Saxon Algebra 1 (4th ed.), then Saxon Geometry, then Saxon Algebra 2 (4th ed.)

The 4th edition has been designed primarily for students who intend to take the full Saxon Geometry course, and would like the Algebra 1 and 2 with significantly reduced geometry content.

Saxon Algebra 1 covers all the topics in a first-year algebra course and builds the algebraic foundation essential for all students to solve increasingly complex problems. Students employ higher-order thinking skills, real-world applications, reasoning, and justification to make connections to math strands.

This Saxon Algebra 1 (4th Edition) Homeschool Kit includes

  • Student Textbook with 120 lessons
  • Test Booklet with answer key
  • Solutions Manual.

Product CodeMR621
FormatHardcover Text, Softcover Solutions and Tests
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Order: MR621