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Homeschool Psych 2nd Edition Text & Workbook

Homeschool Psych 2nd Edition

Preparing Christian Homeschool Students for Psych 101

Homeschool Psych, first published in 2008, has equipped thousands of homeschoool students to study psychology from a Christian perspective. Homeschool Psych 2nd Edition is better -- revised and expanded while maintaining an uncompromising Christian worldview perspective. Homeschool Psych is intended for homeschoolers and independent study students. Homeschool Psych plus the Student Workbook and Answer Keys is all a student needs and requires very little teacher involvement.

From the Author:

There are many excellent works that explain a Christian worldview, and there are dozens of excellent introductory psychology texts, and many good references for integrating the two. But there are very few introductory psychology texts that present psychology's content from a Christian perspective and none, to my knowledge, intended for Christian high school students. I've tried to write a text that was thorough, age-appropriate, and distinctively Christian. I look forward to your comments.

AuthorTim Rice
Product CodeER174
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