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Robotic Arm

This kit is designed to help kids work together in teams and learn about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, in a hands-on manner, introducing them to levers, understanding how robotic arms work, considering engineering concepts in its design, and all the math of predicting outcomes with applications in the real world.

If doing a fluid power, robotics, engineering design process, or simple machines research and design unit this is a great place to start. This arm kit can be a nice lead-off activity for students by having them make the kit and consider its uses and actions, manoeuvrability, and applications in the real world. Ideally students work in small groups and then are given an activity to test their teamwork and coordination.

Students can research how and where robotic arms are used online, and also consider the different applications of machines that lift and turn.

Other considerations in preliminary research might be to learn about how hydraulic machines work, best designs and learn about how and where they are applied.

Product CodeSC536
Ages9 up
PublisherPathfinders Tools and Technology
  • Available as :

Order: SC536

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