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Writing & Grammar 12 Student Worktext (3rd Ed.)

*This edition does not co-ordinate with the online / DVD lessons.*

The Writing & Grammar 12 Student Worktext contains very thorough explanations of grammatical concepts such as the parts of speech, phrases and clauses, usage, and mechanics. It introduces advanced grammatical concepts such as tense sequence, perfect verbs, and adverbial nouns. It also includes reference chapters on library skills and study skills. Throughout the text, students are encouraged to apply grammatical knowledge to communication. Students are led through the writing process and are given specific writing assignments throughout the course. Projects include a research paper, a literary analysis, a folktale, a narrative poem, a hymn, an analytical essay, an interview, a memoir, an analogy, and an in-class essay,

Product Code522409
Length488 pages
PublisherBJU Press
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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