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The Way They See It

Do you wish you could look inside your child’s mind to see what is behind the artwork your preschooler just handed to you? This book shows caring adults the stages of artistic development that children go through and discusses how to nurture awareness of the world and bring it to life in a child. It offers information on the first steps your three, four, or five-year-old will take when pursuing creativity as it is expressed through art.

When we use everyday experiences to expand our children's understanding of their world and provide them with art materials, they become enthusiastic artists who are ready to learn more, see more, and create more art! Used regularly, this book will expand the scope and vision of what is possible for young artists. 

  • 26 famous artworks, with 36 art activities for your child
  • First Skills section, which shows how to hold the scissors or pencil so the tool works for the child
  • 26 Grown Up Talks where you'll learn what to expect as you better understand the approaches young children use when making art and what this stage of artistic development is all about.

This is not a coloring or activity book. It begins at the true beginning of any artistic production; seeing. As children become aware of the world in which they live, they will create original works of art in the way they see it. Each lesson begins with information for the parent on the nature of children’s artistic development that will help in understanding their art. Parents learn methods of teaching using real world examples that work with the purposes children have for making art. This book will suggest ways to turn art times into real educational experiences, resulting in enthusiastic artists who are ready to learn more, see more, and create more art.

AuthorBrenda Ellis
Product CodeAR165
Length90 pages
PublisherARTistic Pursuits
FormatNon-consumable, Spiralbound, Full Colour
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