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Buying a House Debt-Free: Equipping Your Son

In today’s unstable economy, being under the ball and chain of debt can weigh heavily upon a family. Imagine your son entering married life with a debt-free home.

Having three sons who purchased homes debt-free, Steve and Teri have a wealth of practical experience to share. In addition, you will be inspired as you read about seven other young men who bought their homes debt-free before they were 30.

If you have sons approaching the teen years or even younger, you want to read this book now. Whether your son is 6 or 16, Buying a House Debt-Free will provide motivation, encouragement, and practical suggestions from the beginning of the process all the way to your son’s first home purchase. While this book is targeted at young men, our daughters will certainly benefit from learning marketable skills. They can utilize them while still at home and in a husband’s business should they marry.

Buying a House Debt-Free can equip you to help your son: Be different! Be debt-free! Be a homeowner with no mortgage before he is 30!

AuthorSteven and Teri Maxwell
Product CodeFB167
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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Order: FB167

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