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Life of Fred Intermediate Math Set

Life of Fred books teach much more than math. Each book teaches life lessons that will encourage family round-table discussions as your child or children share what they learned from Fred and Kingie about science, history, geography, music, art, moral concepts, and more. Imagine, your child will not learn "just math," but they will learn how to think things out, to clarify their personal and their family values, to see "math" and its application in everyday life.

The Intermediate Math Set is specially designed for students who are not yet 10 years of age but have finished the Elementary Series. This series is also is excellent for those who are in 5th or 6th Grade who are struggling with math or are switching from any other math curriculum.

Your student is ready to start Life of Fred Intermediate when...

  1. They can add and subtract
  2. They have an understanding of multiplication and division
  3. They have finished Life of Fred Jelly Beans

This set includes:

     - Kidneys
     - Liver
     - Mineshaft

AuthorStanley F. Schmidt, Ph.D.
Product CodeMR643
PublisherLife of Fred
FormatHardcover, Black & White
  • Available as :

Order: MR643

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