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PAC - English III: Writing Skills - Full Course Kit

English III is part of a continuous high school English curricula designed to prepare students for post-high school studies and careers which require strong reading and writing skills. This third of a four-level series builds strong writing skills needed for college and careers. Paradigm high school English is available in a seamless program that begins with English I and continues through English IV. Every grade level (I through IV) focuses on interpretation and development of writing styles.

English III: Writing Skills builds on skills learned in English II: Composition Skills by continuing to hone writing skills. Students read, write and evaluate different genres carefully assigned to expose students to noble ideals and writing techniques that equip students to craft strong sentences and paragraphs, while becoming effective wordsmiths skilled in producing poems, letters, essays, narratives, editorials, articles, speeches, allegories, and research papers. Students gain experience writing pieces that inform, entertain, persuade and challenge. Students learn to address literary concepts such as cause and effect, logic, premises, comparison, and contrasts.

A major feature of all Paradigm English courses is the vignette approach, carefully designed to engage students to aspire towards noble character and life purpose. During the learning process, students enhance vocabulary, build moral character, and gain insight on how to make wise life choices.

*ENG I and ENG II can be used to recover students who are not ready for ENG III writing assignments.

Product CodePAC004
PublisherPAC - Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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