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PAC - Basic Math Skills - Full Course Kit

This course is designed for seventh grade students in regular classrooms or guided individualized learning programs in which students progress through the material as rapidly as desired or as slowly as necessary. The course consists of six texts with six companion activities. Every lesson begins with theme art and an engaging narrative from "Professor K" designed to draw students into the lesson. The course covers basic math concepts beginning with simple properties and extending through calculations of powers and roots, percentages, volume, weight, temperature, area, and unknowns. Students receive a solid foundation in scientific notation, metric systems, basic geometry, graphs, square and cube roots, PEMDAS, grouping, fractions, decimals, percent and interest. Students learn how to understand and complete word problems, especially those types which appear on state academic assessments. (Note: This course is also an excellent refresher study for older students or adults who need to brush up on basic math before taking competency exams or Algebra I. PAC's Math Skills Diagnostic Test is designed to help teachers identify exactly where students should begin working in this course.)

Product CodePAC006
PublisherPAC - Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum
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Order: PAC006