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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (Abridged)

“We said there was no home like a raft. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery…but you feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft.” Sail down the Mississippi with Huck Finn and the runaway slave, Jim. Twain’s beloved tale, with its folksy language, creates an indelible image of antebellum America with its sleepy river towns, con men, family feuds, and a variety of colorful characters.

These are lovely hardcover books that would be great for eager students who are not ready for the larger classic versions or for older students who need some age appropriate reading material with simpler vocabulary.

AuthorMark Twain
Product CodeLB1439
Length160 pages
PublisherSterling Children's Books
FormatHardcover, Black and White
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