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Learn Math Fast System - Volume VII

Volume VII  covers high school geometry in 30 lessons.  Topics include Supplementary and complementary angles, congruent triangles, Proofs, theorems, postulates, sine, cosine, and tangent trig functions.  You'll learn about interior and exterior angles of polygons, how to find the area of a polygon, and what an apothem is.  They cover quadrilaterals and circles including arcs, chords, secant and tangent lines.   "Geometry has never been explained so simply."

Written with the same conversational tone as the previous six books.  It is self directing, re-useable, and easy to read.  Included are: 30 lessons, 30 worksheets, five chapter tests and one final test. Answer Key is in the back of the book with full solutions. If your student scores well (B+ or better) on the final test, then one credit for Geometry is earned. An older student can complete this book in about three months.

Can I start with Volume 7?

If your student understands how to use the Pythagorean Theorem and knows the difference between the three special triangles, then you can use volume 7 as your stand-alone geometry course.     
Otherwise, read volume 4, their basic geometry course, before starting volume 7.  Volume 4 will take about one month to complete.

With your book you will also receive a password to access a page on the Learn Math Fast website that contains printable pdf versions of every worksheet in the book.

Two highly recommended, but optional, items for this volume are:

  • A set of Smart Cards.  Click for more information and to add them to your cart.
  • Geometry Kit - this is the same kit used for Volume 4.  Click here for more information and to purchase if you do not already own one.

Product CodeMR754
Length383 pages
GradeHigh School Geometry
  • Available as :

Order: MR754