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Cricket in Times Square, The - Study Guide

The Study Guide

We have sold Bible based literature study guides from Progeny Press for a number of years and have been very pleased with them. Progeny Press Study Guides are used in conjunction with age appropriate novels to explore literature from a sound Biblical perspective. These study guides deal with literature as works of art and philosophy, explain and use literary terms, and deal with plot construction. They dig into why the characters act, believe, and feel as they do and examine what the Bible says in similar circumstances. Easy-to-use lessons include vocabulary exercises, comprehension and analysis, critical thinking, questions on related Biblical principles, activities, plus a complete answer key. This is a book-bound format.

The Novel

Chester Cricket finds a picnic basket full of delicious things to eat, so he hops in for a quick meal - and then becomes trapped as a bag of roast beef sandwiches is set in on top of him! By the time he gets free, Chester discovers he is far away from his country home in Connecticut, and is lost, alone, and afraid amidst the hustle and bustle of a New York City subway station.

For use with the book "The Cricket in Times Square"

This study guide is also available in CD-ROM format.

AuthorAndrew Clausen
Product CodeLS019
Length57 pages
PublisherProgeny Press
FormatBook-Bound Format
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Order: LS019