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Delightful Handwriting Copybook - D'Nealian

Delightful Handwriting uses Charlotte Mason’s gentle and effective methods to make handwriting lessons a delight. Your child will naturally progress from copying simple initial strokes to letters to words to wonderful phrases and sentences.

With Delightful Handwriting you will

  • Confidently Guide Your Child—The step-by-step lesson plans in the teacher book and easy-to-use student copybook help you teach your child to write as he is ready.
  • Reinforce the Habit of Attention—Short lessons (5–10 minutes) cultivate the habit of focused attention for the whole lesson.
  • Cultivate the Habit of Best Effort—The clean, minimal layout of the student copybook emphasizes quality over quantity.
  • Accommodate Left-Hand or Right-Hand Writing—The student copybook’s unique spiral-at-the-top design makes it easy for little hands to work without any obstacles in their handwriting path.
  • Give Your Child a Sense of Accomplishment—Students begin copying words early in the lessons to use the letters as they are learned.
  • Strengthen Reading Confidence—Words and copywork selections are taken from the Delightful Reading program (optional) to reinforce and review words your child can read if you are also using that program.

Student copybooks are available in two popular styles: Zaner Bloser and D’Nealian. One Delightful Handwriting teacher book is all you need to teach either style. Download the free sample to see both handwriting styles and choose the one you prefer.

AuthorLanaya Gore
Product CodePW152
Length112 pages
PublisherSimply Charlotte Mason
FormatSpiral-bound, Black and White
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Order: PW152