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With Wolfe in Canada MP3 CD


A Tale of the French and Indian War

Setting:  AD 1750’s and 60’s – North America – French and Indian War. 

Shortly before the United States Revolutionary war against England, most inhabitants were her loyal subjects.  France had control of much of southern Canada and the “western” lands of the current states of Pennsylvania and Ohio.  Skirmishes abounded for years between English settlers pushing west and French settlers and her Indian accomplices.  The Seven Years War in Europe spilled over to the colonies, where General Wolfe finally defeated the French in Quebec.  Includes depictions of the battles of Forts Duquesne and Necessity in Pennsylvania, and Forts Ticonderoga and William Henry in New York, and Quebec in Canada.

Note: The audio files will play on any computer CD drive, DVD player, laptop computer CD drive, or MP3 compatible CD player.  They can be downloaded to an iPod or other MP3 player.  The audio files on this CD will not play on a standard CD player.

Features: Complete, unabridged recording of a classic G.A. Henty historical novel, read by Jim Hodges

AuthorG.A. Henty
Product CodeAB424
Ages10 & Up
Length11 hours, 23 minutes
PublisherJim Hodges Audio Books
FormatMP3 CD
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Order: AB424

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